The style which evolved from
post-War Keller to Exner at his height in the late '50's/early
sixties make for unbelievably gorgeous cars, never to be duplicated....I
had not examined these years closely until another member noted his affinity for
these years, and my own search for a 'vert of the "100 Million Dollar Look"
years led me to the "Finest of the Forward Look" years and an
appreciation for the mechanical growth of the motors/engineering
of the time/and advanced styling, culminating in these beautiful examples
of American achievement, for they are nothing less......though of course I wont
for the Imperial...[Denis you are ONE lucky man], and as for the
'other', it is impressive in it own right....but NOT an Imperial !!!...I was
wondering, besides the obvious styling of the Imp vs. this NY'er, if these two
were taken to the test track ala the video which is on the OIC comparing the
1957 Imp to offerings of the other top-of -the-line cars of the day, what would
an aficionado of the brand {Chrysler} feel as differences between the
1956 Imperial Sedan {embryo to the future
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