Anyone need original factory seat covers for their '57 or '58 Imperial? There are several varieties and colors from this seller, John Rosen in Phoenix. I got a complete set of the turquoise tweed & leather seat covers from him for my '59 a couple of years ago. With some nips and tucks from an excellent upholsterer, they came out perfect. Here are some examples of what John has: Remember that the seats, as fitted at the factory, will be slightly different. The back seat for a coupe, for example, is narrower than that of a sedan. The covers I got from John were a mish-mash of sizes left over from the factory run - coupe front seat back, sedan rear seat, 4-door hardtop rear seat back side, etc. All could be tailored to fit my 4-door hardtop with swivel seats. Some of the original stitching and folds are difficult to recreate now, so it was worth it to me to get covers that were original, that to go to the labor expense to start from scratch. I have no horse in this race, so to speak. It's just that this sort of thing is so exceedingly rare, that I'm sure someone out there who wants to bring their '57 or '58 back to original shape would like to know. Neal Herman 1959 Imperial Crown 1966 Imperial Crown et al. ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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