-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kenyon Wills <imperialist1960@xxxxxxxxx>
> 72 coupe ran and drove fine.
> Parked for 2 weeks. Now no start.
> When key is turned, the SIGNAL SENTRY light lights up,
> which is normal, as there is no oil pressure to trip
> the switch that turns it off.
> Turning the key further to just before starter relay
> contact illuminates the BRAKE SYSTEM light, which may
> be part of the diagnostic test of the bulb, or more
> likely is because the booster is fried and has been.
> I've put about 10 miles on the car with the BRAKE
> SYSTEM light illuminated, and there is a new booster
> and complete brake system awaiting the car in the
> garage, so that is a known problem - should not be
> related to t he no-start problem.
> Anyway, when the key is just a hair away from tripping
> the starter relay, I get both lights that start solid
> and then start to flicker agressivley before slowing
> down and winking out. Both lights flicker on and off
> with increasing frequency, and the entire fuse block
> seems to be getting rapidly interrupted power, with
> clicking as the relays are energized and then shorted
> of power.
> The wiring diagram shows that the relay making the
> most noise at the fuse block is the power window relay
> switch, and disconnecting it stops the flickering
> current noise that is very audible in it, but I think
> that is a symptom and not the problem, as the lights
> continue to flicker on and off.
> The symptom indicates to me that the ignition circuit
> is flickering on/off, tending to off after starter
> relay is co nnected and it heats up. I got a cough or
> two out of the engine that coincided with the lamps
> being illuminated in that second, but the thing is
> dead otherwise. New engine, battery, etc. under the
> hood.
> Ignition switch?
> Shorting the relay with the key in RUN does not start
> the engine either, although it does turn over,
> obviously.
> I cleaned out the bulkhead connectors during engine
> swap - do not suspect a corroded connection, and since
> I've not touched wiring since driving it, do not
> suspect a loose connection there.
> Thoughts?
> Kenyon Wills
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