----- Original Message -----
From: "Donn Reese"
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: IML: Title question
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 07:38:47 -0800
It's ironic to me that this topic came up now as I just completed a fix on the title for my Custom last week.I was largely successful in getting the bureaucracy to work with me for once and was even impressed that the clerk helping me was friendly and helpful. She understood when I explained the whole "Imperial was a separate make" story. While I waited she was able to pull an image of the last known title for my car from WA state (again impressing me) to verify how it was titled there - I'm in Alaska and the car came from Washington in 1985.However the state here uses preset coding for the make and model and while Imperial has a code, Custom does not. So the title now reads 1960 IMPR.....which is still better than 1960 CHRY.Nonetheless it baffles me how a state agency in charge of issuing legal ownership documents would create it's own code system instead of relying upon actual manufacturer's names for their make and model. Not to mention the fact the computer systems should be preloaded with the model available for each year since the dawn of automotive history. Heck, NAPA's website can do that. When I search for 1960 Imperial it knows to ask for Lebaron, Crown, or Custom....then it even knows there was only one engine for that car that year.But I'm happy enough with this small victory.Donn Reese1960 Custom 4dr hdtp* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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