IML: How to Stop the IML for Mario
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IML: How to Stop the IML for Mario


Please look at the bottom of one of the IML posts. It tells you how to unsubscribe. We certainly don't want to annoy your wife, but you need to take the action to correct the problem.
Paul W

-----Original Message-----
From: mldimar@xxxxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 2 May 2007 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: IML: 1962 Imperial Horns again!

Dear Jim, or to whom it may concern. We have been
recieving your emails for several months now, and have
never seen any info on a imperial in the early
fifties. We recieve over fifty emails a day. My wife
is grossly annoyed by the emails. For now, could you
please delete me from your distibution list. I will
contact you when I get an imp that pertains to the in
fo you distribute. Thanx for understanding. Mario Di
--- JIM LORENZEN <jdlpdx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi John,

The '62 at the farm has the plug for the third horn
and I think that's where I got my "errant" trumpet

Jim L. in OR

PS It's a Crown
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: john sadowski
  To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 8:45 PM
  Subject: Re: IML: 1962 Imperial Horns again!

  I don't think they offered the 3rd horn for 62. I
think it was only 59-61.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Isenhour
    To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 10:53 PM
    Subject: IML: 1962 Imperial Horns again!

    Okay I've read here that members have '62s with
the 3 horn set-up.  So I looked on my '62 LeBaron
and only 2 horns are on there with no signs of there
ever having been a 3rd or trumpet horn.  No bracket
for it, no extra wire for it.  So I go to my '62
Parts Catalog which most would agree is pretty much
the bible to go by for anything on your Imperial.
They only list a left and a right horn set up with
no mention of a third horn. Also there is no mention
of a 3rd horn (or any horn for that matter) in any
of the sales literature I have and I think I have it
all expect the Dealer order book.   However the
Parts catalog almost reads like there were two
different horns for the Imperial like maybe one set
for Crown and one for LeBaron?  Just guessing.  So
if you experts can tell me from what is printed in
this parts catalog what is going on with horn
selection on the Imperials for 1962 it would be most
appreciated.  Here is what is in the catalog:

    Page 8-35 section 8-32-0 HORN:

    Right Auto-Lite, SD3, SC1, SC2     No. 2291 424

    Left Auto-Lite , SD3, SC1,SC2       No. 2291 423

    Right w/Mounting BRACKET, Sparton, SC3,SY1   No.
2291 420

    Left w/Mounting BRACKET, Sparton, SC3, SY1
No. 2291 419

    Is Auto-Lite and Sparton  brand names for horns?
 Why would they list both for Imperial?

    I guess what I am getting at is if your Imperial
has a 3rd trumpet horn set up was it a dealer add-on
and not a factory option?


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