Hey Folks, A final reminder for the Imperial Gathering on the Oregon Coast in Florence.This weekend is the 100th anniversary of the Rhododendron Festival here on the Central Oregon Coast. It's the 15th anniversary of the Show & Shine car meet that we've been attending as a club since 2000. So here's the scoop if you want to show up at the last second.
Friday at Noon we'll be hanging around my house spiffing up cars about 4:00pm we'll be taking a drive up the scenic coast. Then we usually make a stop at our local mopar guys place, he has stuff from the 30's-80's in his yard. At 7pm we all go to dinner at Blisses Hot Rod Grille (50's Diner) You can't miss it, it has cars all over the bldg and it sits on the West Side of 101 just North of Hwy 126.
Saturday 7:30 am we meet at the Dunes Village Shopping Center at the corner of Hwy 101 & 126 (it's on the SE Corner.) To park together at the show & shine we all have to drive in together, so we line up in chronological order and drive to the show, which is a few blocks north. We'll wait for stragglers until 8:00am. The show is open to all years, and they have a class for works in progress, daily drivers, 4dr sedans & wagons. So there is certainly a class your car will qualify for.
After the show it's back to my house for Chili, Corn bread muffins then at 7pm we go to the cruise which goes through old town which is lined with Harleys, as this also a huge Harley ride in. It's a blast, people hold up signs, I always get "Does your Grandmother know you've got her car?" After we do a few loops it's back to my house for a beach bonfire, S'mores and Imperial Spare Tire Ales, Home Brewed by Loren Erwin.
Sunday, we have brunch, stay and watch our parade which has 135 entries, including the Budweiser Clydesdales, or head for home.
We seem to be a bit light on Imperials this year, Loren has already arrived with his 64 4dr hdtp "Roam'n Red", Mikey Sutton might be bringing his 62 coupe, but the next generation his Son Chris who is 17 is bringing his 75 Duster, I'm still short a Caliper on my 67 sedan, so I'll be there with my 68 Ford Ltd Wagon (it has gold crowns on it:-) I also know we'll have a 80 Triumph Spitfire, a 72 Chevelle and Rick "Imperial Expert" and his 84 Cadillac. Oops and I see while I was writing this that Eric may make it with his 64 Coupe. We've certainly done better on Imperial attendance in the past, but with gas prices around 3.50, and apparently a rash of poorly timed equipment failures, we're going to wind up with some odd balls at the meet, so if you'd like to up the Imperial quota, or just show up to meet friendly Imperial folk... Please show up in whatever you have running.
There are tons of events scheduled in town this weekend from fireworks, free concerts, artshows, Rhododendron show, and even the Vietnam Vetrans Memorial "The Moving Wall".
http://florencechamber.wou.edu/events/rhody-car-show.shtml Here's the page with all our past gatherings on it: http://imperial.brandywynewebdesign.com/meets.htmIf you plan on showing up at the last second call me my cell (541)999-1493 for instructions on where to find us.
Leslie "ChatQueen" 1967 Imperial Sedan "Titanic"Central Oregon Coast
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