-----Original Message-----i wouldnt say its a scam i have all types of plates from 1929 all the way up to 1976 which reminds me i would pay any decent amount to anyone in possession of a 1954 rhode island license plate i am looking for one to put on my 1954 imperial
From: mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mailing-list-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of jesse barboza
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 10:03 AM
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: IML: new Wierd Ebay request
pnkmoore@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:For the first time, I'm auctioning a car on Ebay. So far I've fielded a few
weird questions about cashing foriegn checks, etc., but so far it's been a
pretty mild and postive experience.
(Required Imperial content) I'm selling my Buick Electra convertible (item
No. 140123684106) to make more room in my budget for my '58 Southampton
restoration project.
I write because today I received a new
request. Some guy from Hungary wrote and asked if I would give him the
license plate off of the Buick once it was sold. He's a collector, he says,
and is working on his US collection. While he may be harmless, I won't
respond, and I have to wonder what style of scam he might be engaged in.
Covington, Louisiana
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