Paul W. -----Original Message----- From: mrs954@xxxxxxx To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 4:02 am Subject: Re: IML: 90 imperial no start issue AGAIN!!I'm not too familiar with the FWD cars but I would suspect the neutral safety switch is on the front side of the transmission near where the shift linkage enters the case. I'm sure there are others on this list who are intimately familiar with the switch location, and how to test it. I'd look hard at this switch and the ignition switch in the steering column. Also, did you check the wire connection (smaller wire) at the starter?
Mark -----Original Message----- From: M. Esposito <cadmat@xxxxxxxxx> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:39 pm Subject: Re: IML: 90 imperial no start issue AGAIN!!Hi peter, yes I actually replaced the starter relay with a new one. and Mark, where is the neutral safety switch ? and how is it checked? I did shift to "neutral" and attempt a start,and I got the same no start, or I should say no crank situation.. I also tried adjusting the steering wheel to multiple positions, and nada.
Peter <starflite@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Matt: have you checked the starter relay in the relay and fuse box on the drivers side near the shock tower? My 93 5th Ave was doing the same thing
your car is doing and it was the starter relay. Peter Bilecki 81 Imperial EFI 93 5th Ave ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:05 PM Subject: Re: IML: 90 imperial no start issue AGAIN!!
Matt have you asked at a NAPA store Im Pretty sure the switch is
by them, It is common to all Mopar. -- Alan Jordan 90 IMP 75 LeBaron 75 LeBaron Crown Coupe -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: "M. Esposito"Thanks Alan, That gives me an idea of another place to check. I have
service manual, so I can look it up. but thanks for the offer.I thought it might not be the electrical part of the switch, only
itworked after I glued the original lock cylinder piece (
re-installing it
intothe original switch) but you may be right, it pretty much is the
thing Ihaven't replaced at this point.. I just hate to pay for it if I
need it ..only available at the dealer, and about 97.00 with tax for the
switch, I
justpaid over 100.00 for the cylinder and re-key.. but we gotta do what
gotta do... Matt alan1416@xxxxxxx wrote: Also MattI can dig out my FSM and look up the pin out for the switch, this
tell youwhat two wires in the switch engage the starter if this would help?
willtake me a few day to find the FSM but some others may have the
manual at
hand, and can give info faster. -- Alan Jordan 90 IMP 75 LeBaron 75 LeBaron Crown Coupe -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: alan1416@xxxxxxx > > Matt> I dont think it is the anti theft system, my 90 has it. the car
> crank but > will not fire or run.> I think it is in the electrical part of the ignition switch. This
> the part> you removed the key cylinder from. This part can be had at the
> or most > parts stores.> You can with small star drives wrench take the switch apart and
see in
> side it. > > > -- > Alan Jordan > 90 IMP > 75 LeBaron > 75 LeBaron Crown Coupe > > > -------------- Original message ---------------------- > From: "M. Esposito" > > > >> > OK, this is becoming very frustrating.. but here's where I'm at.
> > 90 just> > wouldn't start anymore, turn the key, dash lights as it should (
> > thru a> > test to show all digital displays are working) and them as you
> > the key,> > nothing happens, no click, no dimming of lights, etc.. so I
> > here what it> > might be and it was suggested that the ignition switch was bad,
> > I took > out> > the switch, and removed the lock cylinder, I discovered a tiny
> > of the> > cylinder was broken off, ( where the cylinder seats in the
> > switch )> > anyway, I figured that had to be the problem because just for
> > and > giggles> > I glued the tiny piece back in place, re-installed the cylinder
> > viola, the> > car started right up as it always had .. but only once, when I
> > it apart > > again, I cold see the little part had separated again, so a new > > cylinder was > in> > order, and on order cause my local dealer didn't have them in
> > got it > > today, had the locksmith re key my old key to it,> > reinstalled it and again..NOTHING!! .. I'm back where I was
> > now this> > car does have the factory anti theft system with a starter
> > could > that> > be the issue now? is there a way to override that interrupt to
see if
> > that's > the> > issue? I have already had the starter tested and replaced the
relay.. > so > > now what? can anyone please offer any suggestions? > > > > Thanks, Matt > > > > > > ----------------- ----------------- > This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please > reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be > shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the > Administrators should be sent to iml.webmonster@xxxxxxxxx > To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to > ----------------- ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to iml.webmonster@xxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to iml.webmonster@xxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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