I just returned from the Anniston meet and thought I would pass along some thoughts.
My Imperial is a 1968 Imperial LeBaron. It's Forest Green with a green leather interior. It has about 95,000 miles on it. I bought it from a guy in California about 2 years ago, and in the time I've owned it I've driven it maybe 15, 20 miles a month. Not very much, just a few little outings here and there. I have performed practically zero maintenance on it, aside from getting new tires shortly after I bought it.
Well, I just did a 600+ mile round trip in this car, at speeds ranging from 65 to 90 mph, and the car performed flawlessly at every step of the way. I was a little worried setting out, to tell the truth, but now, looking back on it, I don't think I'd be afraid to jump in this car and drive it anywhere.
Okay, the brakes need a little work. They pull a little to one side when you step on them. But the lights work, the transmission works, the engine burns no oil (that I can tell), the radio works, the AC works (somewhat), and it will get up and run if I need it to.
So to me this is a great tribute, both to the engineers who designed the car and the company that built it, and the two previous owners who kept this vehicle in top flight shape.
How many folks have a 39 year old car they can get in and drive like this? It's just amazing to me.