My fellow members,So people say convert my 1966 Chrysler Imperial from points to having a an electronic distributor. We'll it >run better with the conversion. I know it will have better fire power.Your opinions!!! Rich,
My humble opinion... The points have worked fine for 41 years and there is no reason they won't continue to do so for another 41 years. Points don't usually just quit. They give you warning that it is time to replace them well in advance. On my non-Imp mopar I always kept a spare set of points in the glove box along with a ballast resistor just in case.
With that said I did change my '59 to the Chrysler electronic ignition. The '59 had the dual point setup and I hated it. Seemed that every other time I took the car out of the garage one set or the other needed attention. I found the electronic very easy to put in and so far it has been reliable. The electronic made no difference at all in the way the car performs. You still use the same coil. Advance is still handled by the vacuum advance in the distributor. The only thing you really gain is steady dwell and not having to replace the points every I thousand miles.
Steve B.
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