IML: Points
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IML: Points

I have been buying Blue Streak for years. I guess that's why I have 
never objected to the old fashion ignition systems. Not to mention that 
it was good enough when the car was new, so it still is good enough for 
me. I enjoy working on the distributor and gapping the points.
Paul W.

-----Original Message-----
From: sosmi@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 11:39 am
Subject: Re: IML: Electronic distributor

One tip, ok maybe more, for those truly dedicated to points. Elijah had brought up the current quality of points. If you use points, and buy them from the Cheap-o Auto Barn, you will get a poor quality import product, same as the condenser. Standard Products, sells a premium set under the Blue-Streak line. The points are a copper clad base, with blue rubbing block. And I believe the contact area is larger, also has a stiffer spring to prevent point bounce. The cap would also be blue, with copper contacts. If you want a high quality cap, but want the brown color, use the Prestolite marine cap (for later model aluminum dist) . Early mods. use the old style marine, with brass contacts.Back to points, since the demand is so low, shelf sitting is a problem. The contacts can have an oxidation on them which will insulate the contact. Clean the contacts before installation with 150-200 emory cloth. It's true the points/condenser system is Fred Flintstone Friendly, but if the distribut or is worn out, it's the same as Earrings on a Pig. Ya'll have a nice day, Dave.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: Elijah Scott <imperial1971@xxxxxxxxx>
"Richard Porter Jr." <y-porter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    So people say convert my 1966 Chrysler Imperial from points to having a an electronic distributor.  We'll it run better with the conversion.  I know it will have better fire power.
Your opinions!!!  Rich, 

Rich -- my opinion, based upon conversions of two Imperials from points to electronic ignition, is that you will notice a difference at idle, but probably only a marginal difference in performance, if any.
You will likely have a smoother idle because the electronic ignition 
will provide a more consistent spark and a hotter spark than points.  
As a sidebar to this discussion, it seems to me that the quality of 
points bought new these days has dropped dramatically, and new points 
don't seem to last as long.
Also, if you do convert to electronic ignition using something like the 
Pertronix system, which replaces the original points, you won't see 
much of a benefit unless you rebuild or replace the distributor at the 
same time.  Electronic ignition won't solve a worn distributor.
Good luck!


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