It is my understanding that headers provide the most
benefit at higher RPM, WOT applications, such as on
race cars and salt flat sort of applications, and not
so much at lower RPM, where our Torqueflight cars live
and breathe.
It's probably not really a major issue, but I passed
on them for that reason and because I'm uninterested
in having the high heat transfer into the engine
compartment that headers offer, having replaced too
many starters over heat-soak issues with just the
stock system.
I'm not in posession of hard engineering facts to
present here and don't care to debate it besides
commenting on the reason that I went that way, since
most folks will not be going the HP route anyway.
Also, unless there is a source that I missed, there
are no prefabricated header systems that will fit
later Imperials without serious modification -
essentially boiling down to custom fabrication and
significant expense. Imperial's K-member is 3 inches
longer than the c-body and that changes things
Whatever the differences, the HP manifolds offer
tremendous value for their relatively low cost over
headers for our "unusual" cars.
Other applications may have a much more level playing
feild due to mass production and economies of scale.
--- Melissa Swenson < emswenson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Headers are an excellent idea for our cars. I
> realize there is a stigma that follows headers as
> being a hotrodders trick; tinny, leaky, and loud,
> rusting out in a couple of years' time. Today's
> headers are thicker, have quality welded flanges,
> come with gaskets, and if you pony-up the extra
> cash, can have a high-tech coating put on for
> longevity and cosmetic purposes. They are lighter
> than the cast manifolds, hold in less heat, and flow
> way better than the factory stuff. Plus, it gets rid
> of that usually stuck-shut heat riser that can cost
> you power, MPG, and could even burn valves! The
> downside to that is if you live in a colder climate,
> like me, your well-type choke may no longer
> function. I would assume most of you don't drive you
> Imperials in the winter anyway. Hooker makes a
> C-body header that should fit '67-'75 Imps and
> '76-'78 NYBs. Schumacher makes an excellent header
> that should fit also. They are supposed to drop in
> and require no "dinging" to make them fit. I own a
> '65 Crown and if I can find a set that will fit my
> chassis, I will definately use them! Heddman Hedders
> has a set of "shorty" headers for all big-block
> Mopars and look like they may fit. At only $135,
> it's probably worth the experiment. Best of all, the
> change is not permenant!
> Eric '65 Crown
> Almost time to put the car away in MN!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: sjak brak
> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 1:05 PM
> Subject: Re: IML:1972 Imperial GT
> I have mounted an Edelbrock performer on my car,
> and it gained some fuel economy and better throttle
> response.
> Regarding the exhaust manifolds, I've heard the
> TTI-C-body headers require almost no cutting and
> hacking. When I'll have the funds for it, I'll give
> it a try.
> On 10/15/07, MIKE CINDY BECKER
> < mikeandcindyb@xxxxxxx > wrote:
> HI Kenyon,
> I put a mopar performance dual plane intake
> manifold (MP2) in my 67 imp convertible, I could not
> tell the diff either. I tried using the HP c-body
> exhaust manifolds, but the drivers side dumped into
> the steering mechinism, it looks like in the
> pictures yours is going to hit to. How did you solve
> that problem ?
> thanks, Mike Becker, Salem, Oregon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kenyon Wills
> To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 3:42 PM
> Subject: Re: IML:1972 Imperial GT
> Hotter cam.
> 1962 steering wheel.
> Looser exhaust with HP manifolds, Free-flow
> mufflers
> and free flow resonators. Sounds awesome at
> stoplights and off idle and is surprisingly
> quiet over
> 2000 RPM - awesome on the freeway, since I
> don't need
> to spew noise pollution at speed and plan to
> listen to
> music or Liz's monologs.
> HD trans components including sintered torque
> convertor fans and an extra clutch or
> something that
> made the trans "heavy duty", although I think
> it was
> already in HD mode for the heavy car - can't
> recall.
> I went to my machine shop that has a sweet
> tooth for
> 440's (and 40 years experience) and to my
> trans man,
> who has at least 30 years in.
> Told them what I'm doing, and asked them to
> set me up
> with their preferred setups.
> I care. Only I don't want to dwell on things
> that
> have gotten thought through already, so I
> specified a
> "GT" or Grand Touring car that would have the
> chops
> for super street manners without going to
> anything
> silly like nitrous or whatever.
> Result: Super engine/trans setup that are as
> good as
> anything I could have thunk up. So honestly,
> I don't
> know what cam/piston set is in there. Just
> know It's
> what Glen and brian said was the way to go.
> I presume that you've seen the story I've
> written so
> far that needs updating soon:
> Updated photos prior to just completed work:
> Note that the top was white, so that's why I
> took that
> shot.
> I had a giant, deep pan and killer intake
> manifold
> that I had to get rid of due to non-fitting
> issues. I
> can't tell the difference on the intake
> manifold, so
> have written that off as a waste of money for
> seat-of-pants stuff, although I'm sure it
> shows up on
> a dyno chart or whatever. I chickened out on
> putting
> in a hood scoop to accomodate the taller
> manifold.
> Too much work, and some cars just don't want a
> hood
> scoop. 1972 and 1990 included (some other
> fellow did
> his 1990 up with one and I thought it was a
> swing and
> a miss, -that's just me tho.)
> Kenyon Wills
> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what
> you sell.
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