New Subscriber(s): Dana & Debbie Meadows
Email Address is: dana500@xxxxxxx
Member Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Car(s) owned: 1937 Custom Imperial 7-Passenger 4-Door Sedan (C-15)
1938 Imperial 4-Door Touring Sedan (C-19). Debbie's car.
Self-Introduction: We are long time AACA members and now have five antique
cars. We purchased both of our Imperials at Hershey, the '38 in 2005 and the
'37 this year, 2007, and drove both home, a distance of about 350 miles.
Both made it without any trouble. The '37 does need some brake work and I'm
hoping someone can tell me where I can obtain wheel cylinders and a master
cylinder. I know that White Post will re-sleeve them if I can't locate new
ones. I'm also interested in knowing how many of each of these models still
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