----- Original Message -----
From: therichardsonfamily@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: IML: Oil usage theories
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 18:20:59 +0000
Hello everyone (& Dave):
I have excessive oil usage on my '67 Imperial
engine. Not much of a surprise with 150K+, and
sitting for a decade. 1 quart/150 miles at 70
mph, & 1 quart/300 miles at 45ish avg. mph
around town. I know the correct answer is to
do a complete rebuild. Can't quite pop for
that right now, as there are too many other
priorities for my next $3000.
Compression check months ago was OK, no blue
smoke at cold start up (even if sitting for
days), no blue smoke at hard acceleration, or
after idle - just no blue smoke at all. Idles
and drives quite well, gets about 11 mpg.
Pulled the plugs yesterday after 3000 miles,
and they were nicely tanned/greyed, clean
everywhere except wet oil on the threads.
Dave had mentioned earlier that big block
Mopars have a tendency to need valve seals. If
that is what's indicated by the above evidence,
I could probably find the resources to pull the
Any expert (or otherwise) theories and thoughts would be most welcomed.
Dan Richardson
300L Family Heirloom
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