I'm surprised they only had 14s. It sounds like my bicycle speedo. I don't think they are too hard to recalibrate, there must be some aftermarket support because most 80s-90s mopars are fairly standard, but I don't have any first hand knowledge. All K based mopars with 15s didn't come with 205 60 15. I know my '84 Laser came with 195 60 15 and my 85 with 205 60 15. My '86 xt came with 225 50 15. And that is just 3 consecutive years of almost identical G-bodies (all black with black leather :) I'm sure the j-bodies and others had different sizes. Rob >From: Jim Gathmann <jim_gathmann@xxxxxxxxx> >Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Subject: Re: IML: Alternate rims for a 90's Imperial >Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 17:59:34 -0800 (PST) > >All of the 90's Imperials I've seen (correct me if I'm >wrong Brad et al) are 14's. > >Actually, the speed sensor its self is purely simple- >its the way the signal is used which is complex. It's >a pulse sensor which basically uses a magnetic wave >(?) to make a pulse at a certain wieght baised on the >speed. > >Don't know how hard it would be to do anything with >the sensor, never even seen it (never needed to touch >it and haven't been near it). >--- Rob P <fristpenny@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > > Why can't you just get the proper speedo gear for > > whatever wheel/tire you > > are running? > > I believe they still have the plastic gear even with > > the computer. I > > thought you could change the gear and keep the > > speedo should read the same. > > Or did they make it a more complicated computer > > thing? > > If the factory offered the size you are adding they > > must have the right set > > up somewhere. > > The difference in speed to the speedo will be > > proportionate to speed, so it > > won't be much around town, but when you get up to > > 70+ it can be > > considerable. > > If you just want to add bigger rims, you could go > > "plus 1" and just get > > lower aspect ratio tires, keeping the same diameter. > > That won't throw off > > your speedo, but you'll lose some ride quality (and > > gain some handling) > > I'm surprised 90s Imperials came with 14s. All my > > fwd mopars (80s Daytonas > > and Lasers) had 15s > > > > > > >_________________________________________________________________ > > STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months > > FREE* > > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail > > > > > >
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