Fwd: Fw: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
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Fwd: Fw: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Donaldson" <Donald.Donaldson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tim Bennett (Sudbury)" <tbennett@xxxxxxxx>; "Tartan@xxxxx Ca"
<tartan@xxxxxxx>; "Sue Cumming" <Sue.Cumming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Steve
Anderchek" <Steve.Anderchek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Sherie Holloway"
<HollowayS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Peter" <Starflite@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Nada
Lefebvre" <nlefebvr@xxxxxx>; "Morag Mclavy" <morag.mclavy@xxxxxxxxxx>; "Mia
Rauhala" <miartworld@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Marian Fennessy"
<marianfenn@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Marcene Elsasser" <ceenieannie@xxxxxxxxxxx>;
"Laurie McNeill" <lmcneill@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; "L Moss"
<lyndadanmoss@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "KMUHOKIE@xxxx com" <KMUHOKIE@xxxxxxx>; "Kelly
McCulloch" <kellymhen@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "John M. Thompson"
<JMThompson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Jim & Sharon Dinnes" <sj.dinnes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>;
"Jaymie Vendramin" <vendra@xxxxxxx>; "Jaymie Vendramin" <svfc@xxxxxxx>; "Jan
and Paul Deschene" <janpaul@xxxxxxxx>; "Jamie T"
<bigbrotherlove@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Ian Scott" <iandscott@xxxxxxx>; "Helen Scott"
<hscott@xxxxxxxx>; "Gerald St. Onge" <gostry@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Frank Roch"
<Frank.Roch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "France Gélinas"
<gelinasf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "DScott@xxxxxxxx com" <DScott@xxxxxxxxxxx>;
"Donna Forbes" <Forbes.Donna@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "Dave Watkinson"
<DWatkinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Dan Moss (FALC-TOR)"
<DMoss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Dan Keizer" <Dan.Keizer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
"Chris Kallio" <kalmgt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "cdmelanson@xxxxxxxxxxxx Net"
<dmelanson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Bernie Stansa" <Bernie.Stansa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 7:52 AM
Subject: FW: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Symons, Leslie Ms., AF/XPXQ [mailto:Leslie.Symons@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 1:14 PM
> To: Allie Durr (E-mail); Brenda Malliard (E-mail); Cheri Pearsall
> (E-mail); Dad (E-mail); Debbie Stade (E-mail 2); Jane & Savannah Parr
> Derrick (E-mail); John Lisack (E-mail); Julie McKinney (E-mail);
> KALisack (E-mail); Laura Simpson (E-mail); Lisa Groenke (E-mail);
> Rebekah Block (E-mail); Russell Symons (E-mail); Ana (E-mail)
> Subject: FW: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clement, Korby [mailto:kclement@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 9:25 AM
> To: Archibald, Jackie; Barrett, Gary; Bromaghim, Skip; Byrd, Arlene;
> Carry, Nicole; DeMattia, Hank; Ebersold, Lee; Fontane, Jennifer; Gagnon,
> Linda; Gargulinski, Pete; Gilbert, Tim; Granich, John; Jenssen, Joann;
> Laposka, Burton; Medina, Luis; Mirand, Patrick; Mostoller, Paul;
> Ringressy, Dean; Rivera, Braulio; Schroeder, Mark; Schwark, Brian; Sims,
> Johnnie; Stockman, John; Wonders, Luann; caitclement13@xxxxxxx; Geiser,
> Maria; Boldman, John; leslie.symons@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
> SMcGee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: FW: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kevin.clement2 [mailto:kevin.clement2@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 9:52 PM
> To: Herbert Lazo; Jackie & Joe; Kadmao@xxxxxxx; Iacobbo, Ruth;
> Hank.Carrico@xxxxxxxxxxx; Youa Hang; de'Sha Foster; George & Eva;
> Michael Duran; Mona Delgado; John Day; Ann-Marie D'Ambrosio; Leo
> Convery; Trisha Collins; Clement, Korby; Clement, Korby; Erin Elizabeth
> Clement; Brian Patrick Clement; Victor F. Capellán; Heather Butler; Matt
> Bornster; Alice Bonitati; Anne Boerner; Bonilla, Leo; Jeff & Becky;
> ArthurM793@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Fw: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff" <cyberjeff13@xxxxxxxx>
> To: <buddha@xxxxxxxxx>; <skerrit@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <jgmorr@xxxxxxx>;
> <nahlborg@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <theridixon@xxxxxxx>;
> <aritacco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <nelsonc@xxxxxxx>; <empls22@xxxxxxxxx>;
> <Lauren_Hubbard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <kwells15@xxxxxxxxx>;
> <kevin.clement2@xxxxxxx>; <katiewrighthome@xxxxxxxxxxx>;
> <ecarroll113@xxxxxxxxx>; <jennjenk@xxxxxxxx>;
> <steevev@xxxxxx>; <rox_davetrabulsi@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <Erin.Clement@xxxxxxx>;
> <buddha@xxxxxxxxx>; <degulis@xxxxxxx>; <Nutes72@xxxxxxx>;
> <JDixon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 3:37 PM
> Subject: Fw:FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> > ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> >
> > From: Diane Santos <dsantos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: 'Angela Nelson' <T1190.GSTL@xxxxxxxxxx>, 'Ann Fagundes'
> > <mollitadog@xxxxxxx>, 'Coleen Smith' <cyberjeff13@xxxxxxxx>,
> > 'David Santos' <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Deb Barrett'
> > <dbarrettaapt@xxxxxxx>, 'Denise Brierley' <DBRIE56@xxxxxxx>,
> > 'Ellen Hodge' <elh4aapt@xxxxxxxxx>, 'Jean Flanagan'
> > <jflanagan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Judie Richardson'
> > <JRichar420@xxxxxxx>, 'Karen Carpenter' <kgcarpenter@xxxxxxxxx>,
> > 'Kathleen Curtis' <ruacleary@xxxxxx>, 'Kim Brown' <brownlway@xxxxxxxxx>,
> > 'Laurie Armell' <LAG22@xxxxxxx>, 'Luanne Crimmins' <pljsa@xxxxxxx>,
> > 'Marge Kraskouskas' <margek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Mary Ellen Smith'
> > <marys13@xxxxxxxxx>, Michelle McKeon <MMcKeon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> > 'Missy Badger' <mjhjnj@xxxxxxxxx>, "'Ms. Diane Lowndes'"
> > <dlowndes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Patty Coyne'
> > <pcoyne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, 'Paul Grant' <pjgrantjr@xxxxxxx>,
> > 'Paula McBrine' <grass73@xxxxxxxxx>, 'Regina Bamford'
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> > Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:14:33 -0500
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Marilyn Serapiglia [mailto:mserapig@xxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 4:05 PM
> > To: Bettie Weber (E-mail); Bill Gilmore; Bob Lawton; Carol Platt
> > Charlene Farley (E-mail); Cheryl (E-mail); Gary LaFrance (E-mail);
> > Farrar (E-mail); Jane StOnge (E-mail); Jeana Welshman (E-mail); Joanne
> > Serapiglia (E-mail); Laurie Miller (E-mail); Lisa Laliberte;
> > (E-mail); Marty Soltys; Melissa A. Giroux (E-mail); Mike Curran; Pat
> Durand
> > (E-mail); Paula Doyle (E-mail); Pauline Denault (E-mail); Peter
> > Sue Wandyes (E-mail)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: serapiglia Scott (hfd3sxs) [mailto:hfd3sxs@xxxxxxx]
> > Sent: December 10, 2002 3:30 PM
> > To: Page Michael (hfd1mjp) (E-mail); Pam Tashea (E-mail); Riccio John
> > (hfd2jxr) (E-mail); Rick Orton (E-mail); Scott Ford (E-mail); Smith
> Michelle
> > (hfd1mas) (E-mail); Walden Jon-David (hfd1jmw) (E-mail); Artpt13
> > Berry Matthew (hfd3mxb) (E-mail); Bowman Julie (QJJ1JAB) (E-mail);
> > Dodge (E-mail); Dombrowski Chet (sne1cxd) (E-mail); Gary LaFrance
> (E-mail);
> > George Serapiglia (E-mail); Hastings94 (E-mail); Marilyn Serapiglia;
> Dennis
> > Downer (E-mail); Kevin Trudelle (E-mail); Dave Pellerin (E-mail); Jeff
> > Hastings (E-mail); Jim DesJardins (E-mail); Ray Congdon (E-mail); 'Tim
> > Bassett' (E-mail)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 2:22 PM
> > To: Scott serapiglia (hfd3sxs) (E-mail); Tom russell (hfd1txr) (E-mail);
> > STANKIEWICZ (hfd1jxs) (E-mail)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mastroianni Marcello (hfd3mxm)
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 6:19 PM
> > To: LISTRO JAMES (HFD1JXL); Garvin Gary (bhm1glg)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:33 PM
> > To: Tony Alves (E-mail); BILL ANDERSON (E-mail); Mike Bedient (E-mail);
> > BEDNARZ (E-mail); Jerry Bernier (E-mail); John Biancur (E-mail); VIC
> > (E-mail); Dan Bucci (E-mail); Ellen Buchanan (E-mail); Tim Casey
> > Craig Dolyak (E-mail); Pete Falconer (E-mail); Shaun Farley (E-mail);
> > Fawver (E-mail); Jay Freeman (E-mail); Robert Fulton (E-mail); Andy
> Galushko
> > (E-mail); DAVE HOOKE (E-mail); Nelson Irizarry (E-mail); Dana Johnson
> > (E-mail); Eric Johnson (E-mail); Sue Kozyra (E-mail); Dennis Krajewski
> > (E-mail); NORM KRONICK (E-mail); STANLEY KUCHINSKI (E-mail); Fran Kulig
> > (E-mail); TOM LAWRENCE (E-mail); john lee (E-mail); Ericka Lyons
> > Pam Mahorn (E-mail); MARCELLO MASTRIANNI (E-mail); Jeff May (E-mail 2);
> > Cynthia Miller (E-mail); Steve Mitchell (E-mail); Joseph Oparowski
> (E-mail);
> > RICK ORTON (E-mail); DEL PAIGE (E-mail); Roger Paige (E-mail); Mark
> Pederson
> > (E-mail); TOM RUSSEL (E-mail); John Ryan (E-mail); Jay Schaalman
> > ERIC SESTO (E-mail); Pat Snyder (E-mail); JODI SWITZER (E-mail); Ted
> > Tarczalli (E-mail); MIKE WEBER (E-mail); Pat White (E-mail); Dave Wilson
> > (E-mail)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tarczali Ted (hfd1txt)
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:22 PM
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: kuchinski stanley (hfd1sxk)
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 4:04 PM
> > To: Tarczali Ted (hfd1txt)
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: russell Tom (hfd1txr)
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 11:31 AM
> > To: Blake Luciani; Charles Leclair; Cynthia-Jane Lehman; Dawn Doane;
> Dennis
> > Downer; Eric Johnson; Gerry Bernier; Jeff Hastings; Jim Stankewicz; John
> > Riccio; Kevin Dinneen; Kevin Trudelle; Michelle Smith; Mike Mathieu;
> Nelson
> > Irizarry; Pam Tashea; Scott Ford; Shaun Farley; Stan Kuchinski; Steve
> > Mitchell; Tim Bassett; Victor Birch
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nevin, Jessica [mailto:JNevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:24 AM
> > To: Porter (E-mail); TOM RUSSELL (E-mail); 'ANEVIN62@xxxxxxx'; Mcdonald,
> > Debra; Santana, Maggie; Orlowski, Carol
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Newman, Carol
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 7:07 AM
> > To: Hawbaker, Diana; Holland, Joyce; Houghton, Marsha; Chambers, Gail;
> Gill,
> > Charles; Gozzo, Maureen; Nevin, Jessica
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bonetti, Tina
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:48 AM
> > To: Bagnall, Kyle; Bunce, Mike; Cavaliere, Sue; Devaney, Kathy; Frazao,
> > Matt; Gill, Charles; Kennedy, Tim; Laban, Michael; Lacava, Frank;
> > Paul; Leister, Frank; McKenzie, Krystal; Mott, Paula; Newman, Carol;
> Wilson,
> > Amy; Zbell, Melissa
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ahern, James
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 5:01 AM
> > To: Acosta, Josi; Bonetti, Tina; Carpenteri, Richard; Choiniere, Allan;
> > Cruz, Miriam; Devaney, Kathy; Gohar, Emma; Holland, Joyce; Humiston,
> > Mott, Paula; Moyher, Jennifer; Olander, Marc; Kelley, Greg; Vogler, Ned;
> > Wheeler, Mary; Wilson, Steven
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Lawson, Laurie
> > Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 5:25 PM
> > To: Adams, Leslie; FELICIA PELTON (E-mail); J. Leslie Young-Lemire
> (E-mail);
> > JOHN & KAY RODGERS (E-mail); JOHN O' NEAL (E-mail); Kathleen Bernaiche
> > (E-mail); Cosgrove, Nancy; Penny Miller (E-mail); Ahern, James; Allison,
> > Mae; Bagnall, Kim; Bailey, Fred; Basile, Terri; Bowler, Barbara; Brown,
> Kay;
> > Brown, Kileen; Cable, Laurie; Castle, Lisa; Charles, Mary; Cosgrove,
> Nancy;
> > Cosgrove, Nancy; Cosgrove, Nancy; 'jbrand@xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
> > 'cundy@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: King, Karen
> > Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:20 PM
> > To: 'Deirdre'; 'Gina Ridzon'; 'jimmy'; 'Kip King'; Lawson, Laurie;
> > 'Monique'; 'Penny'; 'Robin Chiasson'; 'TANNER'
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Deirdre Ferraro [mailto:deirdlmt@xxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:07 PM
> > To: Anita Gagnon; Dawn Burke; Dawn Massita; Denise Gagliardi; Dy'Ann
> Suares;
> > Heather Conley; Jack Ferraro; Jen Mooney; Karen King; King, Karen;
> Sullivan,
> > Karlene; Michelle Leaper; Lori Stumpful; Mark Mooney; Mary Sanderson;
> > and Mark; Mom and Pop; Monique Holtz; Nancy Nicholson; Nicole Burton;
> > Richard Burton; Rose Marlin; Sandy Bostic; Sharon Boulanger; Slattery
> home;
> > sqmooney; Sue Willette; Sylvia Pavleova; R & T Crosby; Robbin Banks
> > Subject: Fw: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Julie Dodds
> > Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 9:11 AM
> > To: Zatony, Robin E H09E; Marylin Watley; Karlene Sullivan; Leslie
> > Stapleton; Karen Slattery; MariAnne Quigley; Marian@xxxx; Kathy Murphy;
> > Obers; Ed & Deb McAnaney; Marc.Brinker@xxxxxxxxx; Emily Maleyeff; Janet
> > Maher; Maureen@xxxx; Sue Ingari; Liz Gustafson;
> > Gregorio.Padilla@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Gracie@xxxx; Dawn Golembiewski; Jim
> Galager;
> > Kathleen Frey; Cathy and John Forster; Ferraro; Will Dodds; Kevin & Kim
> > Dodds; Greg Dodds; Mary Jo DiRe; Lisa Crouse; Rick & Tracey Crosby;
> > Casey; Robbin Banks
> > Subject: Fw: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jay  <mailto:senko@xxxxxxxx> & Suzanne
> > To: Julie  <mailto:jdodds@xxxxxxx> Dodds ; Bob
> > Senko ; Chris  <mailto:csenko@xxxxxxxxx> Senko ; John Martin
> > <mailto:senko@xxxxxx> Senko ; Margie Wolfson <mailto:wolfsonian@xxxxxxx>
> ;
> > Nick  <mailto:ndriscol@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Driscoll ; Kathy DAngelo
> > <mailto:guru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  ; Evan  <mailto:ewdriscoll@xxxxxxxxx>
> Driscoll
> > ; Charlotte Lally <mailto:charlottelally@xxxxxxx>
> > Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:09 PM
> > Subject: Fw: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> > worth a try!!!
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jerry Jellis <mailto:JJellis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: 'chris.jellis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'chris.jellis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>
> > Cc: 'schultz.j@xxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'schultz.j@xxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'fricano.w@xxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'fricano.w@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'barca.j@xxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'barca.j@xxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'carinato.m@xxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'carinato.m@xxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'djohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'djohnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>
> ;
> > 'jvink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'jvink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'rbabel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'rbabel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'hdeing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' <mailto:'hdeing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ;
> > 'mwooldridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'mwooldridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ; 'officedepot.com'
> > <mailto:amcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  ; 'nowfoods.com'
> > <mailto:apower@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  ; 'officedepot.com'
> > <mailto:ppetrovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  ; 'danross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'danross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ; 'toniscott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'toniscott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ; 'dkellogg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'dkellogg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>  ; 'ddevlin31@xxxxxxx'
> > <mailto:'ddevlin31@xxxxxxx'>
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 1:27 PM
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Fyke
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:25 AM
> > To: Alan Roach; Angie Pfeffer; Ann Cherry; Arizona Warehouse; Art
> > Beams; Becky Brown; BES ADMIN; BES Server Management; Beth Smith; Bill
> > Hennessy; Bill Johnson; Bill King; Bill Liberato; Bill Parker; Bill
> Timbers;
> > Brian Waid; Bruce Gregory; Bruce Midkiff; Buddy Hagerman; Cal Porter;
> > Caruthers; Cheryl Covington; Cheryl Darden; Chuck Head; Chuck Leopold;
> > Customer Service; Dan Kelly; Dean Davis; Deb Callis; Debbie Bertram; Don
> > Anderson; Don Arms; Don Drake; Don Marlowe; Don Ogg; Donald Richards;
> Donna
> > Tabb; Donnie Leftrick; Donnie Toohey; Ed Foster; Frame Weld; Garry
> > Gary Slater; Gene Price; George Warren; Gerald Hargrove; Gil Martinez;
> Greg
> > Fulbright; Howard Owens; Jan Cummings; Jan Greenich; Janey Hutcherson;
> Jeff
> > Massey; Jeff Woroniecki; Jerry Jellis; Jim Crews; Jim Greenich; Jim
> Seabolt;
> > Jim Summers; Joel Wilbur; John Fyke; Jonathon Thornton; Judy Shope; Kaye
> > Minchey; Keith Gupton; Ken Wiewiora; Kenneth Sherrod; Lance Hutcherson;
> > Linda Lascara; Lurton Keel; Mark Little; Marty Frey; Mary Fuqua; Mary
> > Henderson; Melody Haley; Microsoft Schedule+ Free/Busy Connector
> > Mike Gallagher; Mike Meeker; Mike Nadler; Mill01; Mill02; MIS; Monty
> > Stewart; MP2MAIL; Paint Line 04; Paint Line 08; Paint Line 08 Office;
> Paint
> > Line 09; Porter Roach; Randy Dorris; Randy Roberts; Ray Morris; Rhonda
> > Vance; Richard Minchey; Rick Benton; Robert Jenkins; Robert Ralston;
> Rodger
> > Davis; Roger Herndon; Ronnie Seabolt; Roy Porter; Shane Long; Shanna
> Fisher;
> > Sharen Bellar; Sharon Gallagher; Sondra Morrison; Stan Bushre; Tammy
> Gainey;
> > Tammy Head; Tina Funnell; Tom Egan; Tom Lyons; Tommy Woodard; Tool Crib;
> > Tracey Anderson; Troy Henley; Wanda Draughon; Wanda Fisher
> > Subject: FW: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Subject: Fw: PLEEEEEASE READ!!!! It was on the news!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Kathy South
> > Alcoa - EHS Maintenance Coordinator
> > Phone: 765/771-3547
> > Pager: 765/420-6575
> >
> > To all of my friends, I do not usually forward messages, but this is
> my
> > good friend Pearlas Sanborn and she really is an attorney.
> >
> > If she says that this will work - it WILL work. After all, what have you
> got
> > to lose?
> > I'm an attorney, and I know the law. This thing is for real.
> > Rest assured AOL and Intel will follow through with their promises for
> fear
> > of facing a multimillion-dollar class action suit similar to the one
> > by PepsiCo against General Electric not too long ago.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Friends,
> > Please do not take this for a junk letter. Bill Gates is sharing his
> > fortune. If you ignore this you will repent later. Microsoft and AOL are
> now
> > the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that
> > Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are
> running
> > an e-mail beta test.
> >
> > When you forward this e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it
> (if
> > you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
> >
> > For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you
> > $245.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on,
> Microsoft
> > will pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you
> > be paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your
> > address and then send you a cheque.
> >
> > Regards.
> > Charles S. Bailey
> > General Manager Field Operations
> > 1-800-842-2332 Ext. 1085 or 904-245-1085 or RNX 292-1085
> > Charles_Bailey@xxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> > I thought this was a scam myself, but two weeks after receiving this
> e-mail
> > and forwarding it on, Microsoft contacted me for my address and within
> days,
> > I received a cheque for US$24,800.00. You need to respond before the
> > testing is over. If anyone can afford this Bill Gates is the man.
> >
> > It's all marketing expense to him. Please forward this to as many people
> as
> > possible.
> > You are bound to get at least US$10,000.00.
> > We're not going to help them out with their e-mail beta test without
> getting
> > a little something for our time. My brother's girlfriend got in on this
> > few months ago. When I went to visit him for the Baylor/UT game.
> >
> >
> >
> > She showed me her check. It was for the sum of $4,324.44 and was stamped
> > "Paid In Full".
> >
> > Like I said before, I know the law, and this is for real
> >
> > Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which would make them the
> largest
> > Internet company and in an effort make sure that AOL remains the most
> widely
> > used program, Intel and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
> >
> >
> >
> > When you forward this e-mail to friends, Intel can and will track it (if
> you
> > are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period.
> >
> >
> >
> > For every person that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you
> > $203.15.
> > For every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will
> pay
> > you $156.29
> > And for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $17.65.
> > Within two weeks, Intel will contact you for your address and then send
> you
> > a check.
> > I thought this was a scam myself, but a friend of my good friend's Aunt
> > Patricia, who works at Intel, actually got a check of $4,54323 by
> forwarding
> > this e-mail.
> >
> > Try it; what have you got to lose????
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   _____
> >
> > Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :
> http://explorer.msn.com
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