Re (2): IML: Imperial Club Coupe vs Southampton
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Re (2): IML: Imperial Club Coupe vs Southampton

It fits into the marketing department. Often, the folks over in Service & Parts 
who developed the FSMs had no clue what the marketing guys were calling the 
cars to the public.

I've seen the term "suburban" [as a noun] used by itself in numerous Mopar 
Service & Parts materials as a generic term for any any Mopar wagon. (Anyone 
ever see a Dart Suburban? The Parts Dept thinks so.) I've seen the Mobile 
Director option called a number of different names. 

Often, the manuals are being developed before the marketing people have gotten 
model and feature names approved. So the Service & Parts info gets published 
with different terminology, and that terminology sticks in future publications 
from within the same department.

Chances are, if Service & Parts had learned the name Southampton early on, the 
FSM for the '78 NYB would still be calling my 4-door hardtop a Southampton, too.

Chris in LA

-------Original Message-------
> So where does the famed "Southampton" fit in?
67 Crown FDHT

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