Well, it is that time of year again when Imperial owners living in the "Great Northwest" start looking forward to the July 4th holiday and this years third annual "Cascade Loop Tour", which was originally sponsored and organized very successfully the first 2 years by Loren Erwin. Loren has to many irons in the fire this year to pull this event together, but we don't want to let this great event slip by. The past 2 years have been a great blast, lots of friendships made, Imperial ogled, and long scenic drives in the mountains, or beaches of Oregon & Washington. We have previously had great turnouts of people from ID, CA, OR, WA and hope people want to do it again this year. We welcome all Imperialists, Molar owners (Doug's '61 Dodge Phoenix Convt.), and if your Imperial is not quite on the road, bring the family Ford wagon (Hi Leslie ;>)). At this point we may start with fireworks in Portland, up the Columbia River with a short stop at Maryhill, overnight at Yakima, next day to Mt. Rainier (with a possible overnight and sightseeing the next morning) lunch, then I-5 and home. This is just a thought, any alternatives that are fairly central for the Tri-State area are welcome. Please respond privately to myself at: twolaneblacktop@xxxxxxxxx, or Roger Van Hoy at: vanhilla@xxxxxxxxxxxx and let's see what we can come up with. Hope to hear from a lot of you out there, and if anybody can and wants to drive this here way, please do! Take care, Bill Ulman Seattle, WA '66 Crown Convertible