Radiator Specs
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Radiator Specs

Larry, about the best you can hope for here in OZ is that you can get a core with some guarante on it, ie that it will not be rotted out in a couple of years. Getting ANYTHING of Quality is a major drama in OZ nowdays ( except for those Beautiful High Quality Imperial Lenses that are made here of course! )  and don't forget the sock deal I told you about, or you will have wasted your money, regards George.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 3:12 PM
Subject: IML: Radiator Specs

Hi to all
Well my 1960 Imp is settling in to her new address in Sydney and I am slowly replacing parts so I can start the engine up in a couple of weeks time. I have already or I am in the process of replacing, Air filter, Oil Filter, Petrol Filter, Radiator hoses, Heater hoses, Spark plugs (What do some of you recommended here) Soft Fuel lines. I have dropped the Petrol tank to clean and taken the radiator to be re - cored. There are some options for me for the radiator. There is no doubt that it needs major work however we were discussing the specs of the fins etc. The core in her now is not original so we don't know if she has been cooling to her original specs.
Here is today's question - Can someone let me know what the specs/configuration of the core was for the 1960 Imperial, no. of fin rows etc. 
The first part of "The Story" is completed and will be posted to a webmaster soon. It's about why I bought an Imperial, how, where etc etc and the saga of bringing her down under. That's it for now and I hope someone can help with my question. 
Stay Safe
Larry Blomberg
(1960 LeBaron Sedan)

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