Fernando: There is no!! cheap way to replate die
cast aka pot metal. Ask around to local car buffs about who they use and take a
look at the quality of the work. Pot metal is just that, whatever was left over
as flash, defective castings etc.
went into the melting pot so you ended up with a mixture of aluminum,
zinc and whatever other white metal there was. This stuff actually self
destructs with age and moisture. A good plater won’t give you a firm
quote until he reverse plates the chrome and nickel off the piece so he can see
what the base metal condition is. Beware of the shop which just grinds off
metal until the pits are minimized, the right way is to strip, glass bead the
pits, copper plate then solder the pits flush with the surface. This is time
consuming, read expensive, but the only way your parts will last without the
chrome blistering. I have found this out the hard way, it’s cheaper to do
it once the right way than to do it over. Ernie and The Black Bitc_!! http://www.imperialclub.org/Yr/1958/ErnieS/index.htm
-----Original Message----- New Subscriber(s): Fernando Pinheiro |
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