[FWDLK] [Fwd: Congress and the Internet !! Reply NOW!!]]
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[FWDLK] [Fwd: Congress and the Internet !! Reply NOW!!]]

--- Begin Message ---
  • From: Chuck_Mazurie@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:06:53 -0500

They are in our pockets again!!

Thought you might be interested in this.

Pass it on to anyone you know who uses the Internet.>> ---------->

Have you received this?
? If not, pass it on!

Forget Y2K and impeachment hearings, a far greater evil is on the horizon:

Congress will be voting (in less than two weeks) to decide whether or not
telephone companies
can levy a charge on your phone bill equal to a long distance call EACH
time you access the Internet.

The address is http://www.house.gov/writerep
Visit the address above and fill out the necessary form!? Tell your
Congressman to vote against Internet Access Fees!
If each one of us forwards this message on to others in a hurry,we may be
able to prevent this injustice!
 We all need to respond to this if we don't want to lose
another piece of our Right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Ma Bell's siblings aren't satisfied with all those long distance fax,
phone, and cellular calls, and wants even more of our money. Surely a
lot of people will stop using the Internet if Congress passes this bill,and
 the end of democracy
(actually representative republicanism) will no doubt? soon follow.

Please double click on the address above to tell your Congressman NOW!!
Before we are all paying long distance tolls, to dial a local phone number
to access the Internet!!

--- End Message ---

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