[FORWARDLOOK] The lighter side
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[FORWARDLOOK] The lighter side

Has anyone heard about the Gynecologist who decided it was time for a
career change?  The doctor decided that it was more enjoyable to work on
automobile engines than it was to work on people, so he enrolled in a
mechanics training course.

The final exam in the course was to completely disassemble a V8 engine
and rebuild it fully to manufacturer's specifications.  The doctor
completed the final exam, but took twice as long as the slowest student
to complete the work.  Concerned about his grade, he telephoned the
instructor to find out what his grade was.

The Instructor said he gave him 150% on the final.  Surprised, the
doctor asked how it was that his score was so high.  The instructor said
he gave the good doctor 50% foe completely disassembling the engine.  He
gave him 50% for rebuilding the engine fully to manufacturers
specifications.  The additional 50% was given because the doctor did it
all through the tail pipe.

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