Since we're on the subject of parts, I've got a few things for a '63 Fury if anyone needs them- R & L taillights, lens and housing Dash cluster, including speedo, all gauges, and trans button assembly Radio (I'm not really in a hurry to get rid of it; I've got it in my '65 B'cuda now- not correct, but at least a Plymouth radio. I would give it up to someone who had a '63 Fury, though.) Pulled them off a car that was literally 30 minutes from the crusher. Don't have a Fury, but I just couldn't stand there and see those beautiful parts go. The car had already been flattened- if only I'd been there a day sooner- the Poly 318 ran! Let me know if you need any of this- -Paul Clark Seattle '64 Dart GT paulcl@xxxxxxxxxx |