If people don't want their e mail boxes filled up with forward look stuff, there are free e mail accounts out there all over the net. http://www.hotmail.com/ is one, there is also rocketmail and a host of others. Just start an account with one of these places and check it at will. Myself, I like all the stuff that is put in my mail box. A lot of it is junk to me........... but I do know how to delete messages also. Plus, I think that I have recieved more junk from thoughts on this change than I did with the "chatter". But I still don't mind it. Everyone has an opinion......... this is my 2 cents worth. Feel free to delete it, I did yours. I also have learned a LOT from this list. And I think we all can. As for the folks that don't have time to weed it all out........... when do you find the time to work on your car? It only takes a few minutes to look through anything that has come into my mail box! Don Dpcd1932@xxxxxxx wrote: > I loved the message from the guy who needs a reminder on how to quit the list. > Don't recall seeing him contribute ANYTHING.