Re: [FWDLK] C@C - READ this:
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Re: [FWDLK] C@C - READ this:

Just a note to all of you who will be attending Chryslers at Carlisle -
"first timers" or not:  Be aware that it is UN-lawful to "cross" a median
with a motor vehicle in PA.  Now it makes no difference that there will not
be any signs, painted lines, guardrails, guard dogs, barricades, fences,
flashing lights, arrows, concrete walls, steel beams, Boy Scouts, Cub
Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Campfire Girls, the Rev Jesse Jackson, Police
Officers, or anyone/anything else  anywhere near said median telling you NOT
to do so.  There *will* be (most likely), a "Local-Yokel" *somewhere* within
eyesight *watching* you do it..... - and as he hands you your $93.00
citation, he will inform you that this "law" is "common knowledge".
*whereEVER* you happen to "call home".
HOWEVER - what IS "legal" is coming up to a light on a "divided" highway,
and making a *U-turn* to go the other way.  Go figure.
I for one, will NOT be making another trip to PA.  They can have it.  Too
bad, Carlisle is a great show, it's just that I really don't like the idea
of "fueling the local ecomony" in that manner.
If you go, have fun.  (just let someone *else* drive).
PS - come to think of it, I *did* see ONE "sign", that, at the time, I could
not understand - only later I realized it's lilely purpose.  This sign was
at a "fuel island" on the PA turnpike - and when I pulled out after fueling
up, right in the middle of the median was a sign that said "right turn
only".  Couldn't figure out *why* (at the time anyway), I went ahead and
turned right like the sign said, - then I had to make a turn-around in
another gas station's lot (I'll bet they like that going on constantly),
since there was no other way back to the turnpike.  After I thought about it
a week or so later - I think I know why.  Most likely someone "got nailed"
there who was some "bigshot" (or politician, who knows), and raised holy
hell about it (probably had the time & resources to do just that) - and
since the majority of traffic (I would think) on the PA turnpike is probably
from "somewhere else" (how *else* can you get across PA?), they (the "powers
that be") probably figured it was in their "best interest" to go ahead and
post a sign there rather than take a chance on pissing-off any more
"important" people.  Just a theory - but it makes more sense than that
stupid-ass law.
----- Original Message -----
From: <MyDeSoto@xxxxxxx>
To: <L-FORWARDLOOK@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 11:30 AM
Subject: [FWDLK] C@C

> Hello people!
> Just curious who all is going to be at Carlise this year? This will be my
first trip there (really looking forward to it to!), and was hoping to meet
some more of the FWDLK gang as well as see some more FINS!!
> Hope to see ya there!
> Clay Wood

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