Jack, I like ALL 50's - 60's Dodges, but only got 1 (57) & 1 wife --too much work to be Poly-gimous! End-of-"auction" war-stories are interesting! Just like in professional sports, no matter how well you prepare yourself, when you "play" (bid) for 'keeps', there is NO room for (bid) corrections or (site) 'crashings' or other (input) 'errors' . You either "win", or you don't. & if you "can't" register your bid (in time), you gotta live with seeing that someone else 'stole' your-item, for less than you'd willingly pay for it! Funny thing, though, when "we" win an item, we never know how many OTHERS may have failed, in trying/intending to place their own last-second "sniper" bid!! Neil Vedder, Norma, & Horace -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Need an answer fast? Search the 17,000+ pages of the Forward Look Mailing List archives at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm |