I have been informed, that if one bids on a CAR on Ebay, now, the ENTIRE amount of the bid [assuming that it is 'still' BELOW the (hidden) Reserve] will be applied (and displayed!) toward the Reserve-amount, so that 'your' "exposed- bid" will no-longer be 'only' some-small-standard-increment higher than the bid you just 'beat' , ( with the 'remainder' of your 'higher' bid-amount no-longer being "hidden".) Once the Reserve is 'met', then the "higher" maximum-bid-amounts will be 'hidden', like-before. Correct? Neil Vedder -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm Powered by Google!