[FWDLK] Looking FORWARD!!!
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[FWDLK] Looking FORWARD!!!

I know "this"  is not-new news, but it's always
kinda shocking, when you see graphic evidence
of "what the future holds"!!

Can you IMAGINE what it must have been like, to work in Chrysler's
Design Studio, and being aware, year-after-year, of what was "to-be"
three years, hence??? And, to have to keep your mouth shut, while your
neighbors bought the "current" year-model (as in 1956, knowing what the
1957 models, would 'bring-forth'???

This photo/ebay "auction (ahem" ) is part of the
French/Exner collection--but it GRAPHICALLY
shows that, on that date in 195SEVEN, the 59's were fully 'conceived',
AND that the 60's were well-along !!  This is QUITE a unique photo-
artifact--I say this, because I'm NOT gonna bid on this photo, and,
therefore, don't car about the "added-interest",  that this photo

It's too-bad that the 60 DeSotos didn't have the tail-light extensions,
that, @ least, "made" it, to the "Clay-Model-Stage".




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