but, in looking @ this photo, again, I REALIZE why the photographer 'chose' the composition of the photo: (DUH): to compare/contrast the 'evolution' of the DeSoto 3-tier lights, from 1959 onto 1960!!!! And, now, I realize "why" the 3 chrome-dooies appeared on the 60 DeSoto--some bright bean-counter musta thought that the 'long' tail-light extensions were too expensive, to produce, & as a compromise, negotiated the installation of the 3 cheap-dooies (which are apparently prone to falling-off the "ruby"-lights) I've seen a LOT more 60 DeSotos WITHOUT the dooies, than ones WITH the correct-dooies. Can anyone say , HONESTLY , that previously, they had perceived the 'effect' of the 3-dooies, on the tail-lights, as representing the predecessing 3 "tiered tail-lights?? Like that song goes: "Where have all the Dooies gone (long time passing-Chebies)?" Neil http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14042&item=2202280603 |