I re-called Firm Feel, today and confirmed that their (unknown) brake-liner/subcontractor is able to apply the "carbon-metallic" brake linings onto the 'bonded' Lockheed Centerplane brake shoes, but it needs to receive "your" shoes, as the "lining-company" doesn't have any "cores" in stock. Turn-around time is less than one week, so that your car's down-time should be less than 2 weeks, total--a good winter project, eh? "Firm Feel" wasn't "100%" on the cost to re-line 2 wheelsets (4 shoes), but said that the cost should be $85.00 - $100.00. For their in-stock pre-made 11x3" Bendix Duo-Servo carbon-metallic brake shoes, I was told that the price for 4-shoes would be $115.00, and NOT the $300-ish, that I was originally quoted. I still intend to buy 11x3" front shoes, for Horace. Firm Feel can be reached @ 1-800-347-6426, or www.firmfeel.com. Neil -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Over 25,000 pages of archived Forward Look information can be easily searched at http://www.forwardlook.net/search.htm Powered by Google! |