If any of you may be interested, when I moved out of
Detroit one of my neighbors
told me he was interested in the 270 V8 that I had
removed from my '56 Dodge but
he never took it and one of my former neighbors
informed me that it's still sitting
in the backyard of my old residence. This
occurred last night so if any of you in
the Detroit area are interested contact me and I'll
give you the phone number of
one of my friends directly across the street from
where I used to live so he can
inform you as to whether or not the engine is still
there. It's a free offer. The
engine ran just fine but needed rings 'cuz it burned
some oil. I also removed the
carb and installed it on the engine with which I
replaced the original engine. The
only reason I replaced it was because I had the other
engine rebuilt while I was
still able to drive the car with the old engine and in
that respect it took a minimal
amount of time to do the exchange. The house
address is 19576 Dresden and it's
a block and a half south of State Fair and 4 blocks
east of Hoover in Detroit.
Jerry Browarski