They should
have to do no more than pull the pan. Here's a helpful hint from Mike
Apfelbeck that I was able to use successfully. Look up my thread in the
archives for full details:
> From: Mike Apfelbeck [mailto:moparmike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 10:07 AM
> To: Dan Morton
> Subject: RE: [FWDLK] Leaks 'R Us
> Dan,
> You adjust the cable in reverse. With the shift lever inside the trans
> the rearmost detent and the shifter "R" button pushed in,
you lightly hold
> the cable in to remove the slack and run the wheel down against the
> If the pan is off you can check your work by looking to see if the
> detent ball is in the right notch when you push the buttons.
> Mike
I just wanted to
check with you guys, I brought my car down to the shop to have a shifter cable
installed and they informed me to bring it back to the tranny shop since the
tranny has to be disassembled? Is this the only way to get a replacement
shifter cable installed on a 58 Plymouth - 6 cyl automatic
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