Re: [FWDLK] need some help with a cast iron torqueflite
From: Philippe Courant <accf-club@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:53:47 +0100
We've rebuilt the transmission as outlined in the factory shop manual, but
find that we have a situation of "no neutral".
I've rebuilt some Torqueflite and i know this situation !!! The forward
clutches play is wrong !!! So you have always the fwd clutch engaged
(even in N) and i think the car is locked when you're in R (the two
clutches are engaged).
When you rebuild a Torqueflite you must have some oversized and
undersized disc clutches to permit to have the right play.
I order these clutches from collectorautosupply if i remember well.
-- Philippe COURANT
Philippe COURANT
(Pau, France)- Webmaster des sites ACCF et C-I-F