Here's a quick fix that may
be long term. Remove all the old cover and slide on shrink tube. Any electronics
store should have what you need. I bought a 3' x 1" before. You want the ID to
be just slightly bigger than the end fitting on the cable. Slide shrink tube
over cable exposing the cable end. Clean the end and apply thin coat of
silicon. Slide shrink tube back over the cable end where original
ended and shrink it onto the cable with heat gun or hair dryer.
I have not tried as of now.
It was my plan to do so. If you try it let us all know how it
Thank you, Gary, the parts doc Escondido,
CA USA Land of the Avocado Mail:
garythepartsdoc@xxxxxxxxxxxx 760.751.1958
there a quick fix for a PowerFlite cable leak at the transmission? Was
thinking maybe peel back the cover, coat the housing with silicone, replace
the cover and clamp it. Or should I just bite the bullet and replace the