Hello! Many 300s have already been in 1/25th scale plastic form, JoHan models of Michigan. I'd vote for any 300 that hasn't already been available in some model form. I still vote for the Hurst. When the Hurst run might be over, simply change the dies into a standard ' 70 300, then a ' 69 300, ' 71 300, Newports, ' 70 Newport Cordobas, New Yorkers, Imperials, and of course convertibles, where applicable. I think the fuselage body style has REALLY been overlooked by all of the model car companies. I know I would buy any and every version that would come out. (Next e-mail will cover all the ' 69 to ' 73 Dodge and Plymouth C-bodies I'd like to see come out in model form. Just kidding!) John [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]