RE: {Chrysler 300} Possible 56 B project for sale in California
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RE: {Chrysler 300} Possible 56 B project for sale in California
- From: "Ron Waters" <ronbo97@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 11:46:32 -0500
Well, the problem with buying one 'done' is that you don't know the
quality of workmanship that went into the car. Sure, it has nice, shiny paint.
But what's underneath the paint ? Do the brakes squeal and pull every time you
step on the pedal ? Will the car accelerate smoothly or bog down ? Is the wiring
harness crusty original or has it been redone (correctly) ? This is
especially an issue on 55-6 Chrysler products, where the harness is cloth rather
than vinyl.
If you buy a car that's 'done' but has a few issues, are those issues
going to cost you thousands additional because you lack the skills, interest, or
physical prowess to fix the problems, and as a result, have to trust your baby
to a mechanic that likely has no clue how to repair a letter car
If I buy a car that needs significant work at a much cheaper price
and do the work myself, then I know the quality of work that's going into the
car. And, unlike a mechanic, I can take as much time as I need to get it right.
And that 2000 brake job is now going to cost me 200 for the parts. Labor is
Happy Holidays,
Always buy one “done” with minor issues to be corrected otherwise
you’re really perfecting the car for the next owner at your expense
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