where to get good body panels
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where to get good body panels

In Canada we had c bodies in 65 and didnt have the cor0nets or belvederes. 
I had to smile when you said I thought the sales person or counter person should know. 
Often I get called in to help a friend with their ride and some strange problem. More often than not they are trying to fix it with advice they got from the counter guy at the parts store. Why they think he knows is beyond me and they will even argure with me at what he told them even though I am a licensed and experienced Mechanic/mach. 
I usually tell them if the guy at the parts store knew he wouldnt be working for 8 to 10 bucks an hour there he would be earnig 25+ in a shop. 
I know there are some who do know from their hobby and such but I also know most stores employ the cheapest help they can get that will do the job. My buddy is worse than me. When some one tels him the parts guy said bla bla bla, he just hands them the keys back and says" well then get the "H" out of here and take it to hm and have him fix it. . Anyway. It would be nice if they al knew even their product line but they dont. For me Weatherhead fittings have become a nightmare. it is not unusual to spend 20 bucks gas trying to find a 3 dollar part. Only the old dudes at the part store know what I want. The new genaration has the deer in the headlights look. Probaly something they smoked or maybe their ear ring is too tight!
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Return to Deutschland (True Adventure)
Old Reliable (Mopar)

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