About three weeks ago, the alternator in my 1990 Imperial went south. As often happens, it took the voltage regulator with it. In fact, it is hard to tell if the chicken or the egg was first but that's not important right now. I was able to get a replacement alternator for about $175 exchange. The voltage regulator was the a bigger issue. You see, in their wisdom, Chrysler built the voltage regulator into the engine computer on that car, and most cars after 1990 as well. I was able to find a replacement computer from a salvage yard for $100 plus $20 shipping. There was a problem though, the replacement computer (as well as a second replacement computer) was from a car that had a security system in it. The security system would not allow the engine to run for more than a few minutes. My mechanic was able to fit an external voltage regulator to the new alternator and reassembled the car with the original computer. The yard where I got the two replacement computers will refund my purchase price so I'm out only about $40 shipping costs. The car is all back together now and in running order. Total bill, about $550 for parts and labor. I can't imagine that I've saved $550 in gas by driving that car this year! Not only that but I had just completed a $250 retrofit due to the failed ABS system. If it wasn't a dream to drive the car, it would be outa here, fast! Please quote this message in your reply. Otherwise I will be unable to reply to your message. Thanks. ----------------- http://www.imperialclub.com ----------------- This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for the Administrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to http://imperialclub.com/unsubscribe.htm