My niece said something similar about my car when I brought it home.
She quoted the Comedian Sinbad. You remember the comedian Sinbad?
You know what he used to say all the time..."Pimpin' ain't easy baby."
Glad you enjoyed the comment, I got a kick out of it too....have a good
P.S. The neighbor kids told me that my 55 was "gangsta"...whatever
the heck that means. LOL
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 4:04
Subject: IML: My Imp is pimp
Hey everyone!
When I was picking my daughter up from
daycare today, a couple of teenagers approached me and asked:
"What year is your
"1970", I proudly
"Your ride is so pimpin' !" They
Did you hear that everyone! My LeBaron is
We talked for a couple minutes and they mentioned
some crap about hydraulics ( my car ain't never goin' to be that pimpin' ) but
over-all they were very appreciative of its style. It makes it all worth
it when people approach you with compliments, which are few and far
I thought I'd share this story with
everyone, it sure as hell made my day : )
1970 Pimperial