I believe the person who does AAJ brakes is a member of this list, or maybe
its the Forward Look list. Anyway, I spoke with him about some conversions
once, his conversion caliper bracket only works with the 11" late 70's style
rotors. He suggested if I wanted to wait a while before converting my '56
and '60, he was doing the preliminary work to make a bracket to accomodate
the 12" cop rotors, I have not checked back on his website to see what he
has now.
Bill & Kathi Parker, South Central Indiana
'56 Chrysler Windsor; '60 Chrysler Saratoga; '62 Plymouth Max Wedge; '64
Dart convertible; '65 Barracuda \6; '65 Imperial; '68 Barracuda FB 340-S;
'69 Barracuda FB now 360; '70 Challenger now 440; '72 Cuda '340
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