Hello Brad
Thanks for the fast help, as Merial is sitting on the side of the road all alone. I'm hopping it is just the key switch. did yours go nuts when it broke. i have never had a car i could not shut off. as in the key would not turn to the off position. I have the cover off but the screw are Torx non-tamper. the one with the hole in the end of the bit. were can i get them. I sure don't have the cash to have her towed to the dealer. if it is just the switch it looks pretty ez to change.
-------------- Original message from Brad Hogg <luxoliner@xxxxxxx>: --------------
> Those ignition switch assemblies can be troublesome. They are readily
> available at your jobber parts store. About $50 for the one I bought. You
> can change out the lock tumbler so your OEM key will still work. Read the
> directions and don't force it and break something (like I did). Once you
> get the hang of it, they are easy to take apart and reassemble.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:19 PM
> Subject: IML: 90 IMP key Ingition
> Help never seen this befor. was driving today in my 90 IMP, and the Elec
> system (IE.AC windows, radio, turn-signals all stopped working. them warning
> lights on dash come on ( IE airbag, ABS brake and so on) then the warning in
> the overhead console starts sayen crazy stuff like my turn-signal is on, and
> the key is in the ignition. so i figger i better stop and see what's up.
> well here the kick in the rubber parts, I can't shut the car off, the key
> will not turn back(off) just forward to engage starter. and as i sit there
> she starts to over heat, as the fans are not running. I finely pulled the
> coil wire to kill the motor. I'm hopping it the ignition key in the column
> and some wires in it have went south. It use to get very hot on the bottom
> just behind the wheel. How's got some ideas,
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