John----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Strickland" <jwstrick426@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Imperial Mail List" <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:26 PM Subject: IML: '60 Imperial dome light stays on
From: "Rob van der Es" <R.vdes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Robert;After your reply I decided to investigate some more. I have a '62 and it operates just like the '60 models. I am sure the wiring is the same. The back doors operate the overhead dome light and there is a switch on the left side headliner that activates it manually.My car has been sitting for years and does not even have a battery in it. I bought new 1004 lamps and replaced the map light and the dome light. I connected 12VDC to the battery leads from a power supply I have. To my surprise the dome light in my car also was on continually. I discovered that the right hand automatic switch near the bottom of the center pillar was the culprit. I was able to push it in by hand and make the dome light go off with the door open. When the door was closed, the dome light remained on. I found that if I folded the paper from the new 1004 lamps twice and placed it between the front edge of the rear door and the automatic switch button/pin that it would go off. What that means is that the automatic switch is not touching the metal of the front part of the rear door enough to make it open up, thereby breaking the ground of the dome lamp. A cure for this would be to remove the automatic switch (it un-screws)and place one or more metal washers between the nut head of the switch and the metal of the center pillar. Either the head of the automatic switch pin has worn down or else the door hinges have developed enough play that the automatic switch no longer causes the dome lamp to go off.I traced out the circuit in the service manual. It is difficult to follow since it is scattered on two separate pages. I am working on a single page schematic that shows both the dome light and map light circuits if you are interested. Both the map light and the dome light are fed by a 9 amp fuse in the fuse box.It also turned out that the '62 Imperial electrical schematics were in error by not showing the connection from the dome lamp to the instrument panel and fuse block wiring, although we know the connection exists! The '62 Chrysler schematic does show the interconnection to the instrument panel wiring on those models. someone in the Chrysler/Imperial documentation group was asleep on that issue.From previous experience I found that the automatic switches for dome/map lamp circuits can be worn enough that the insulation that opens the circuit when the pin is depressed that it won't always open the lamp circuits up. When that is the case, the only solution is to replace the automatic door switch.As part of my investigation I discovered that my'62 map light switch had come apart and I am having to locate a replacement. The map light works OK by opening the doors, but the manual switch has come completely apart inside the dash area.Joe Strickland ----------------- -----------------This message was sent to you by the Imperial Mailing List. Please reply to mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and your response will be shared with everyone. Private messages (and attachments) for theAdministrators should be sent to webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To UN-SUBSCRIBE, go to
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