Hello Everyone,
Sorry to have been so slow getting back to some of
you, but as you can imagine, it has been rather busy around here of
late getting ready for and then hosting the annual Chattanooga
Chrysler, Imperial, & Packard Meet. It is always a lot of work getting
ready for one of these car meets, and I made it much worse this year by
trying to do too many long overdue home renovation projects. I
was sure glad to see the house stuff come to an end. All in all, it was
well worth the effort. I am very pleased with the progress I made on the
house and this year's Meet was exceptional. What a blast we all had!
I can't wait until next year.
I have just completed
compiling a video from the '07 Chattanooga Chrysler, Imperial, &
Packard Meet, and it is now posted on my website at: http://home.chattanooga.net/~soule/meet/
For those of you that might be interested, I have
already posted information for the 2008 Meet. We hope that
everyone can make it back for next year's Meet. We sure had a great time
this year as this was by far the best Meet to date with the most cars
and the most attendees.
Laqueta and I really appreciate all the nice
emails, cards, and notes thanking us for hosting the Meet. We really
enjoyed having everyone here and hope to see everyone in the
future. Robert M. Soule, III 2007 Chattanooga Chrysler. Imperial, & Packard Meet Join The Tenn. Valley Region Walter P. Chrysler Club Politicians and diapers need to be changed - mostly for the same reason! |
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