on gathering members thoughts, i then went back to the switch under m/c -applied 12v and ..
hey presto brake lights ! -)
the issue was that even though the female connector was showing 12v it was not crossing to the male connector , this was due to the leaking brake fluid creating a barrier between them.
i simply cleaned up the connectors and the switch and now my brake lights work !
it was pure coincedence that the temp gauge was shorted at the same time it was noted the brake lights were no longer working, throwing us off scent.
many thanks to all of you, for bringing me back to where i started and solving this mystery.
now to sort the gauges out..... ..... but not before i take her for a spin on this a rare sunny warm day :-), shame i be off to work soon :-(
From: "Steve B." <Imperial59@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: <mailing-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: IML: iml 60 brake light switch/fuse?/also...
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 23:41:28 -0400
>>Steve needs to determine whether or not the stop lights will come
>>on when the two wires under the Master Cylinder are joined
>My understanding from previous e-mails is that he has 12v at the
>master cylinder wiring and connecting the wires there does not cause
>the brake lights to come on though I could have easily
> Steve B.
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