Well I guess I have to throw in my lousy two cents on this one. Last month when doing some maintinence on my '66 Crown Conv. My friend/mechanic wanted to install the Petronix electronic thingy in my new distributor, but after talking to Jeff Carter of JC Automotive who is also a friend of mine, he said if I decided to do the Petronix I should be sure to buy two of them, since he has known of more than a few that have failed his customers. Keep one on hand at all times was his advise, further, since I like to have as much as possible stock on my cars, he said well maintained cars with the old points systems in them were fine. So in the end I still have points, condenser and all. If I am on a road trip and something fails in Podunk, Nowhere USA I can go to the local auto parts store and get what I need off the shelf most likely, instead of having to order some thing they never heard of. Bill Ulman Seattle, WA It is now Late May, and it still feels like November, overcast, rainy, and NOT convertible weather!