The two valves come out with a tap against a block of wood
with a pair of long nosed pliers, make sure you remember which
is which as they are different. The low pressure and high
are different but they both fit in either bore. The
gauze filter fits
with the hole down onto the valve block from
Yes you do need to remove both valves to do the job
i had the high pressure stick up during the last
When all valves and seals are removed spray some carb cleaner
all areas then blow it through with the air.
A good tip for when you take anything apart especially carbs
or injection
components is to first start with a clean bench, then lay some paper
towelling on the bench, put your carb or
whatever on the paper and either
draw round it or draw the most significant features on the
paper that will
guarantee that you will always be able to remember which way
you had the
part when you started, from this you can lay any valves /
components on
whichever side of the paper they are appropriate to in
sequence of removal.
Hope that make sense.
Neil Thorpe 82 Efi Imp.
London England.
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