Well, once again I wish I could remember where I read things so I could point to the source, but I'm fairly sure it's not as simple as what Elijah quotes makes it sounds. For example, not ALL the cars built between 1925 and 1948 were included-- some were, some were not. In other words, there were criteria that went into picking the cars from that era, and I know I've seen those criteria published . . . somewhere! But here's something I was able to google up from Wikipedia which helps: The criteria Classic car is a term frequently used to describe an older car, but what exactly is meant by that varies from person to person and organisation to organisation. The Classic Car Club of America claims to have invented the term Classic car and thus they believe that the true definition of the term is theirs. According to the CCCA: A CCCA Classic is a "fine" or "distinctive" automobile, either American or foreign built, produced between 1925 and 1948. Generally, a Classic was high-priced when new and was built in limited quantities. Other factors, including engine displacement, custom coachwork and luxury accessories, such as power brakes, power clutch, and "one-shot" or automatic lubrication systems, help determine whether a car is considered to be a Classic. The Club keeps an exhaustive list of the vehicles they consider Classics, and while any member may petition for a vehicle to join the list, such applications are carefully scrutinised and rarely is a new vehicle type admitted. This rather exclusive definition of a classic car is by no means universally followed, however, and this is acknowledged by the CCCA: while they still maintain the true definition of 'classic car' is theirs, they generally use terms such as CCCA Classic or Full Classic to avoid confusion. More common usage, however, fundamentally equates Classic car with the definition of Antique car as used by the Antique Automobile Club of America, who define an Antique car as one over 25 years old. Thus, popular usage is that any car over 25 years old can be called a 'classic car'. 25 years is generally considered a good cut-off age for such terms because it's extremely rare for a vehicle that old to still be owned or used without special consideration for its classic status - by 25 years old, a car will have exceeded its design life by some considerable margin, 10-15 years being the norm barring accidental loss. It will probably need significant maintenance to keep running, and many parts will be hard to obtain through the usual channels. Thus, a non-enthusiast will sensibly conclude that it is not feasible to continue using a car that old for regular driving. This is not to say that an enthusiast of classic cars might not drive such an old vehicle daily, but that enthusiast will be willing to live with the greater difficulty of so doing. Mark > Their requirements are actually pretty simple: > > "The Club defines CCCA Classics or Full Classic? Cars > as '...fine or unusual motor cars which were built > between and including the years 1925 to 1948. (Some > cars built prior to 1925 that are virtually identical > to a 1925 model that is recognized by the Club are > currently being accepted on a "Please Apply" basis). > All of these are very special cars which are > distinguished by their respective fine design, high > engineering standards and superior workmanship.'" > (from http://www.classiccarclub.org/CarList.htm) > > The list of Chrysler automobiles recognized by the > CCCA includes the following: > 1926 -1930 - Imperial 80, 1929 Imperial L > 1931 -1937 - Imperial Series CG, CH, CL, and CW > Newports and Thunderbolts > 1934 - CX > 1935 - C-3 > 1936 - C-11 > 1937 - 1948 - Custom Imperial, Crown Imperial Series > C-15, C-20, C-24, C-27, C-33, C-37, C-40 > > Elijah (who also plays a reference librarian in real > life, too) > > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Search - Find what you?re looking for faster > http://search.yahoo.com > >
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