You'd have to make sure that you average it out over several tanks. My '82
has a slightly optimistic mpg readout on the computer. Last tank, the
readout was 17.7, but because the tank wasn't really, really topped off
mathematically I got 19.6. My next tank will show lower mpg.
I keep track of mine all the time on all my cars. These 17 and 18 mpg
figures seem crazy high for big blocks. I've been lucky to get that with a
318. A large factor might be that I'm in New York. On the efi car I can be
getting 21 mpg on the 18 mile highway commute, but in the mile to get off
the highway and parallel park the mileage will drop down to 18.5. It's much
different than just running down 95 and only filling up at rest stops and
right back on the highway. Guess that's why I got 23 mpg going to Carlisle.
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