Hi to all, Nancy Kramer has passed on the following scam alert. I do believe it is quite real, and would possibly affect anyone in the process of selling their car. For more info, please click on : http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/01/eveningnews/main527883.shtml and http://www.americandreamcars.com/scamalert.htm Better ready than sorry ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- On another note, due to a deluge of Spam and viruses, I have been forced to install a Spam filter . This filter MIGHT actually bounce back some of your individual e-mails to me, asking you to resend to me with a code attached in the message subject line... a one-time only process. If you do get such a request, please do it... if this turns out to be too much of a hassle, I will have to remove the progam. 300'ly John