392 bad knock, quality bearing sources?
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392 bad knock, quality bearing sources?
- From: "christopher beilby" <thelastbestgenius@xxxx>
- Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 20:39:08 +1000
Mopars are not supposed to do this?! (Even if original 35 yr old motor, over
1. This weekend I may try and find the bad knock one of my 300 Cs has just
Cold, no noises.
Warmer, after 10-15 minutes, say at idle in gear waiting at traffic lights,
a real loud knock, like a piston hitting the head, about cylinder 2 or 3 on
right side. Also now at idle in neutral - but under load, NO noise.
Sounds real sharp, like a hit, not a rattle. First thought was broken
piston, but a guy with a big block Chev says a similar noise in his motor
turned out to be a worn timing chain. I know my chain was a little worn
about 5K ago, but can they go like this - it is a 55/56 chain/gear/cam
setup, as the cam is a hotter grind.
I was thinking of shorting out plugs, but the Chev guy said he tried this,
and results were confusing.
2. If is a cracked piston, will rebuild whole motor, need sources for
pistons ('58 higher comp if possible, forged if any know reasonable price
sources), and better grade rod bearings, and suggested grind and springs for
a mildly stronger cam - this 300 is the one I want to run to 7000 rpm, alloy
Weind w bigger period Carters, headers - then see how it goes on
The aussie dollar has just made 70c to US 100, but this still means any help
re best price sources would be appreciated.
George and Nancy Terry (red 300C convert owners) visited from Texas recently
(great people, and plus they never said anything about my 'push on' type
driving, although I think I noticed Nancy looking a bit nervous sitting in
the front on the wrong side of my '58 Caddy a couple of times till she
realised it was ok) ), and the cold weather they brought with them returned
after only one day of 80 degrees the day after they left for Central
Australia - maybe President Bush will finally take it over to you on his way
out of here in Air Force 1 tonight - me, I am in the T/Bird tonight, top
down, and it is bloody cold - I'm sure everyone who sees me must think I'm
bloody crazy/stupid !?
Aussie Christopher
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